Tuesday 9 August 2011

Milk and Chocolate China grass Pudding

In India, agar agar is sometimes called china grass. Agar agar is a product made from seaweed that is often used instead of gelatin in vegetarian dishes.
Chinagrass or Agar-Agar.Making China grass is simple with a simple rule, 1 part china grass n 6 part milk/ 7 part water. Any cup would do. If you add 7 cups of water you will get a soft jelly type agar-agar. If you want a more solid pudding then reduce the amount of water to 5 or 6cup. Its all a mathematical game. No stead fast rules just goes by your taste.

China grass 1cup
Milk 6cups
Condensed Milk 1cup(adjust to taste)
Cocoa powder 2-3tsp (adjust to taste)

Soak the Chinagrass for 2-3 hours.
Boil the milk n chinagrass together n boil till the chinagrass dissolves completely. Strain the milk.
Bring them back to heat n add the condensed milk. Boil for a minute. Divide the mixture in to two. To one part add cocoa powder. Beat them well( the milk n chocolate separately).
If you want the chocolate layer on top add them first to the bowl, if you want the milk layer vice versa.poured the milk mixture first.
Pour the milk mixture in a mould n keep them in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes just to make them set. Beat the chocolate mixture again. with a fork score the lines in the just set milk layer. Scoring them helps the gel together n form a single pudding other wise the layers will separate when you cut them.
Spoon the chocolate mixture softly as not to disturb the milk layer.
Refrigerate them till they are set well for about 3-4 hours. If you want them to make it fast place them in the freezer for an hour.
Run a thin knife around the edges to loosen the pudding. Invert them on a plate. Cut them into slices n Serve them cold.

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